Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom mapper discovers a weird geographical plot hole that puts Hyrule in direct opposition to Skyrim

Estimated read time 4 min read

There’s a weird geographical quirk in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom map – none of its rivers drain into the sea, and half of the game’s freshwater ends up in an unnamed pond.

YouTuber Any Austin recently took it upon themselves to chart the many waterways that crisscrossed Hyrule. And their first observation is that none of those rivers reach the sea. At none of the points in Hyrule that look like they might be some kind of estuary, delta, or other river endpoint does the water actually drain into the sea. So with all that water flowing around, where does it actually go?

Where Do Hyrule’s Rivers Go? – YouTube
Where Do Hyrule's Rivers Go? - YouTube

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