You’re not supposed to start Shadow of the Erdtree at level 1 with no gear, but one Elden Ring player proved it’s possible with very careful planning

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If you were worried about being under-leveled for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, then don’t be, as one talented player has proven that you can waltz into the Realm of Shadow at the lowest possible level, with no equipment to your name, and still triumph. 

Given Shadow of the Erdtree‘s entry requirements, it’s obvious that you’re not meant to enter the Realm of Shadow as soon as you step foot into the action RPG. The DLC is locked behind two tough bosses – Starscourge Radahn and Mohg, Lord of Blood – who’ll generally ensure that you’ll be somewhat leveled up by the time you hit the expansion. Soulslike YouTuber Iron Pineapple clearly took that as a challenge and decided to see if it’d be possible to survive the DLC’s first region, Gravesite Plain, as well as its first boss after starting out with nothing but Torrent the spectral steed and upgraded Estus Flasks for healing. 

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