Pineapple on pizza. Mint and lamb. Chicken and waffles. They all sound a little wrong together, but one bite and you realize they’re actually a match made in heaven. And that’s apparently what everyone is figuring out about Dr. Pepper and Pickles, the flavor combination you never knew 100% slaps.
Over the last few days, TikTok has become absolutely enamored with tossing a few salty pickles into the super-sweet soda thanks to TikToker Mississippi Memaw, who shared her favorite “Pickle Dr. Pepper” order as she went through the Sonic Drive-thru.
“Don’t knock it till you try it. If you like pickles and you like Dr. Pepper, and you’re probably like, ‘Ew, gross. I would never ever drink that. But there’s a lot of people who do drink it,’ Mississippi Memaw says.
“The TikToker also points out just how easy her interaction was at the drive-thru, with the Sonic worker not batting an eye at the order, proving it’s a pretty popular choice, at least where she’s from. “I’m not the only the person that’s ever ordered this, babe.” Mississippi Memaw says. “It’s really good.”
To date, the video has nearly 5 million views with nearly 7,000 comments, with several followers noting they took her advice and ordered it for themselves.
“Just stopped at the local sonic here in Rockwall, Texas and tried it and I definitely give it two thumbs up thanks memaw,” one follower wrote. “I love Dr Pepper with some pickle juice,” another added. Other followers had suggestions on what she needed to try next, including “the witch doctor.”
“It’s several different sodas combined with pickles and lemons. It’s so good! Pickles are good in any soda,” a follower stated.
The video has certainly seemed to stir something in us. A Sonic employee even took to the platform to share that they had “three people order pickles in their Dr. Pepper today,” proving just how powerful this social media platform can really be. Just remember, if you go to order it at your local Sonic, they will be upcharging you just a bit for the additional pickles, but depending on your tastebuds, it could be totally worth the few extra cents.
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