While Bethesda celebrates The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion’s 19th birthday with a “Happy Anniversary” post, fans of the RPG had more in mind: “It would be perfect to… announce something”

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Despite the supposed Oblivion remake leaks circulating recently, Bethesda Game Studios still has yet to confirm a new release of its now 19-year-old Elder Scrolls gem.

Oblivion first launched on March 20, 2006, nearly two decades ago. Its 19th birthday fell just one day ago, as celebrated by Bethesda in an online post. “Happy Anniversary to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion,” writes the studio, “thank you for sharing in our worlds.” While the company clearly isn’t ignoring the important date itself and is commemorating Oblivion’s big birthday with the Elder Scrolls series’ community, fans were expecting more.

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