WhatsApp is making it a bit easier to find specific conversations by introducing Chat Filters. The new update will let you sort messages by All (as it currently is), Groups or Unread. They’re all pretty self-explanatory, with Unread showing any, well, unread messages and Groups showing only your group chats. Groups will also show you any subgroups from Communities.
You could already use WhatsApp’s search bar to find a particular conversation, so if you know who you’re looking for, this update isn’t likely to change much for you. This feature will likely be the most beneficial for finding the chats you’ve yet to respond to, as it can be hard to remember who you still owe a message to. The Unread filter will show messages you’ve yet to open and ones you’ve marked as “unread” to return to later.
The new sort options will live at the top of your messages, so you can easily switch back and forth without having to dig into settings. WhatsApp has begun rolling out filters and claims they should be available to everyone in the coming weeks.
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