We’re obsessed”: After quietly dropping the best trailer of 2024, bizarre-o strategy game shows off incredible destruction tech \u2013 “If you drive a car full speed into a medieval tavern, well…

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Kingmakers debuted to the world with an absolutely wild reveal trailer that seems to have cemented the game’s destiny as an inescapable viral hit. It’s an action-strategy game where you play as a time-traveling commander who can bring all sorts of modern weapons back to the medieval world, and the devs have just upped the ante by showing off some genuinely incredible looking destruction tech.

“With Kingmakers, we’re obsessed with making everything interactable,” creative director Ian Fisch says on Twitter, sharing a clip of a car crashing headlong into a wooden building. “If you drive a car full speed into a medieval tavern, well….” To be honest, I think an actual car would be a little worse for wear after careening headlong into a bunch of oak longs, but damn if the way that building crumbles doesn’t look incredibly satisfying.

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