Weight Loss Plateau? Shed Those Last Pounds With This Expert Trick

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If you’ve been successfully losing weight for a period and now all of a sudden are noticing your weight stagnating, you may have hit a plateau. It can make things harder if you have yet to meet your weight loss goal. The good news is there are ways around it so you can shed those last few pounds. In some cases, the solution requires changing up your dieting approach, but in others, it may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

We spoke with a dietitian to find out solutions to help you get out of a weight loss plateau. If you’ve been struggling to find a solution, this is everything you need to know.

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Why weight loss plateaus happen

Have you ever noticed that when you’re intentionally losing weight, everything is going well, then, all of a sudden, your progress comes to a halt? Your body has probably hit a weight loss plateau. Before diving into a solution, it’s important to understand why this happens. Lauren Mardeusz, a registered dietitian and owner of Salt and Honey Nutrition, says there are many reasons a plateau may occur. A plateau could mean that your body has adjusted to your current habits and needs a bit of a change. “The amount of time to consider it a plateau is unique to each person, since people will lose weight at different velocities depending on their individual metabolism, diet and exercise habits,” Mardeusz says.

  • You lost too much, too soon: In some cases, you may have lost too much, too soon in an unsafe manner by restricting calories too severely. “As a result, this may lower the resting metabolic rate, because the body is trying to compensate for the dramatic loss of calories,” Mardeusz says. “This can result in weight stagnation or even weight gain.”
  • Your menstrual cycle may be to blame: If you are someone who menstruates, you should also be mindful of your cycle as it can also impact your weight. Mardeusz says that weight loss plateaus can also occur for women during their menstrual cycles or during perimenopause due to a fluctuation in hormones that affect fluid retention and metabolism.
  • The “set point” theory: Another thing to consider is that maybe you’re within your “set point” weight. The set point theory suggests that we have a predetermined weight that our bodies are biologically drawn to maintain, despite our efforts to lose or gain weight. There isn’t enough evidence to prove that the set point theory is completely true, and some researchers would argue that this theory is too simplistic because of the different stages that our bodies go through that can affect these factors.

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How to break a weight loss plateau

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they hit a weight loss plateau is continuing to restrict their calorie intake. “This behavior does not facilitate further weight loss, and it causes people to experience symptoms like fatigue, increased cravings, mood swings, decreased immunity and hair loss,” Mardeusz warns.

Instead, she suggests a few better approaches for breaking out of your plateau. “Adjusting the type of physical activity you are doing, such as including some cardio if you are only focused on weight training, evaluating the stressors in your life and incorporating habits to promote stress reduction can also be supportive of coming off of a weight loss plateau,” she says. Focusing on reducing stress can be beneficial because stress affects many of the hormones in our bodies, and chronic stress can influence how effectively your metabolism functions over time.

Additionally, Mardeusz recommends working with a dietitian that can look at the nutrient distribution of your diet to determine a game plan to help you break out of a weight loss plateau. “A dietitian can help identify things that may be missing in your approach and put together an individualized plan with the right macronutrients along with education, so you may understand how it all goes together,” she explains. Once you’ve reassessed your strategy, it’s advised you give it about a month to see if it’s working. Depending on how quickly or slowly you were losing weight before the plateau, this could vary a bit.

Signs a weight loss plateau could be something more serious

Sometimes a weight loss plateau can signal other underlying issues. Hormonal issues, for example, can be drivers for a weight loss plateau. Symptoms that hormones may be to blame include irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness and hair loss. “These are also symptoms of someone who is undernourished due to calorie overrestriction,” Mardeusz says. If you’re uncertain about what may be causing your weight loss plateau, it’s helpful to get an expert opinion. Mardeusz recommends seeing a dietitian or your primary care provider who can help ensure that your dietary habits are in line with other health goals you may have.

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Weight loss plateau FAQs

How long does a weight loss plateau last for?

Can eating more help you break out of a weight loss plateau?

In some cases, changing up your diet by eating more can help you break out of a weight loss plateau. Chances are your body has adjusted to the caloric deficit it’s been in and needs a boost.

How do you know if you’re in a weight loss plateau?

Your weight loss has stagnated for awhile even though you’ve been exercising and eating the same.

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