Virtual pet expert cracks a 27-year-old Tamagotchi mystery to unlock secret characters in 3 weeks

Estimated read time 3 min read

Something completely life-changing just happened. The world has been forever altered by a discovery on the Tamagotchi Collectors Discord. Along with unnamed collaborators, the user rhubarb_pie figured out how to unlock secret characters hidden from the virtual pet community since 1997.

That’s a big deal, considering Bandai only started releasing its egg-shaped digital pets in 1996. As 404 Media noted, players were previously only able to raise the blonde twin fairies as pets through a glitch. But rhubarb_pie, in an extensive guide posted to Discord on June 5, managed to detail and document how they retrieved both the little ladies and “an undocumented secret character” on the 1997 Mothra Tamagotchi.

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