Translating Helldivers 2 into a board game is about nailing the “correct satirical tone” says Jamie Perkins of SteamForged Games

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I’ve been speaking to SteamForged product owner, game designer, and game developer Jamie Perkins this morning in the wake of the recent Helldivers 2 board game announcement. Opening up about what it’s like trying to translate an iconic game like Helldivers 2 into a board game, he let me in on a few design secrets around how the team has been tackling the job. Turns out, it’s all about getting the core feeling down, as opposed to matching the mechanics perfectly, or copying the narrative beat for beat.

“It’s not a copy and paste job,” says Perkins, talking about the way the team evolves their own boss battler engines for the Helldivers 2 board game. “You have to make sure that you take the design over and think ‘ok, how do we change this to make sure that it fits the feel?'” This is the big challenge many designers of the best board games come across when translating licensed material from one form or another: capturing it without either making the game ridiculously complex or, at the other end of the spectrum, diluting it.

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