With the recent release of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 7, Android users looking for a smartwatch have more options than ever before. And while the new Galaxy Watch 7 and 7 Ultra have some unique new features, like a sleep apnea detector, the previous-generation Galaxy Watch 6 and 6 Classic still make great buys. Right now, the 6 Classic is an even better investment because you can save $80 on it at Best Buy. Depending on the configuration you choose, you could bring the price down to as low as $320. But don’t wait. This deal ends today, Aug. 16, at 10 p.m. PT.
The good news is that if you don’t get your hands on the watch through Best Buy’s flash sale, the $320 deal is matched at Amazon right now, though the discount is limited to the black 43mm model. We also spotted it at an even lower price at Walmart, down to $210 for the black and silver 43mm variants. Prices at both Amazon and Walmart tend to fluctuate quite a bit, so if you see what you want, add it to your cart right away.
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The Galaxy Watch 6 and the 6 Classic both took top honors in our list of best smartwatches, with highlights including the bright screen and a one-click watchband. They also have features such as ECG, blood oxygen, body composition and temperature sensors. All of these features work with Galaxy phones and, with the exception of the ECG feature, will work with other Android phones as well. The 6 Classic generally costs $100 more than the regular 6, so finding a deal on it is always helpful. Regular retail prices start at $329 and range up to $399, depending on features such as Bluetooth and cellular compatibility, size and color.
If you want a smartwatch but still want to shop around a little, be sure to check out our roundup of deals on Galaxy smartwatches. You might also want to see the latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series phone deals.
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