This Steam Next Fest action-RPG is a delightful throwback to ’90s anime and SNES classics, even if it is also marketing for a much bigger and hornier deckbuilder JRPG

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I was interested in Divine Dynamo Flamefrit when I saw that Japanese indie studio Inti Creates was behind it. I was on board the instant I saw the pixel-perfect ’90s anime aesthetic and heard the era-appropriate title screen music. And I was in love the moment the giant mech boss battle kicked off. I’m not sure how I feel now that I know that the game is at least partly a marketing bonus for a much bigger and hornier deckbuilder JRPG, but I’m still all on board for Flamefrit.

At its most basic level, Divine Dynamo Flamefrit is an action-RPG steeped in SNES vibes. The Steam Next Fest demo puts you in control of a little dude with a sword, and it superficially resembles games like Zelda: A Link to the Past and Secret of Mana. But, dare I say it, there’s a little bit of Dark Souls here. Your attack is big, weighty, and can’t be canceled, so the game is largely about learning the rhythm of enemy strikes and positioning yourself to take advantage of them.

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