A wondrous world of Studio Ghibli-inspired shenanigans has just opened up on D&D Beyond, and things are about to get strange for dungeon masters and Dungeons & Dragons players alike thanks to Obojima: Tales From The Tall Grass. Featuring heaps of new subclasses, feats, backgrounds, and even a few new playable species, Obojima puts a cozy twist on one of the best tabletop RPGs around, and now you can access it through one of the best online resources made for your D&D sessions.
The Obojima: Tales From The Tall Grass Kickstarter was funded a while back, with over 23,000 backers pledging $2,610,869 to bring the project to life. Speaking to D&D Beyond, one of the supplement’s lead designers, Jeremiah Crofton, says that the world was designed to accommodate the question of how each feat, subclass, or spell might “naturally evolve in a world like Obojima.” Thanks to 1985 Games’ masterful additions to the world of D&D, you can expect a boatload of content that oozes everything that Hayo Miyazaki himself might have jammed into an official Ghibli TRPG, including:
- 180+ brewable potions
- 130+ ingredients
- 60 new monsters and NPCs
- 50 new spells
- 48 magical items
- 20 new feats
- 11 subclasses
- 8 familiars
- 6 backgrounds
- 4 detailed factions
- 3 new species
From covens, to sword schools, and collectives of roaming knights, there are four different factions spread across the island of Obojima. Crofton makes it clear that many of these factions are linked with the wealth of new backgrounds and subclasses. For example, the “Waxwork Rogue subclass started off as a subsect of the Courier Brigade—the group of knights that deliver packages all across the island”.
The Belly Brewer Barbarian subclass is one of my favorites (what an amazing name), because it lets players forage for food and munch it down to create their concoctions in a very Barbarian “I eat it without thinking” way (I’m looking at you, my orc-who-thinks-he’s-an-elf compatriot from our current campaign). The Belly Brewer can then switch between modes when they fly into a rage, letting that digesting food change their body shape and help them deal extra damage in some really strange ways.
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