Meta announced its new mixed reality headset during the 2024 Meta Connect keynote on Wednesday. The Meta Quest 3S will start at $300 and represents a more affordable, yet higher-specced option between the $500 Quest 3 from last year and 2020’s (soon to be discontinued) Quest 2.
The new model has the same processor as the Quest 3, as well as the same full-color external cameras to enable mixed reality features. The per-eye resolution matches that of the Quest 2, instead of the 4K pixel dimensions of the Quest 3. The 3S is also equipped with Fresnel lenses like the second model — the slimmer pancake lenses are reserved for the pricier set. Along with the new device, Meta also announced a price change for the existing Meta Quest 3; It now comes in just one storage capacity, 512GB, but that configuration goes for $500 instead of $650.
The Meta Quest 3 is our current pick for the best VR headset overall, so it’ll be interesting to see whether the Meta Quest 3S improves upon the previous generation’s winning formula of relative affordability combined with useful mixed reality, realistic VR immersion and support for a healthy library of games. Engadget’s Devindra Hardawar gave the both the Quest 3 and Quest 2 positive reviews upon their debuts and our verdict on the Quest 3S will come soon, once we’ve had a chance to test the new set.
But if you can’t wait until then, here’s a quick rundown of how the specs of Meta’s three consumer-grade VR headsets compare side by side (while omitting the overly expensive yet underwhelming Quest Pro, which will also go the way of Quest 2 once current inventory runs out). Pre-orders for the Meta Quest 3S open on September 25 and the headset will hits shelves October 15.
Meta Quest 2 |
Meta Quest 3 |
Meta Quest 3S |
Price (MSRP) |
$200 128GB $300 256GB |
$500 512GB |
$300 128GB $400 256GB |
Release date |
Octover 12, 2020 |
October 10, 2023 |
October 15, 2024 |
Weight |
503 grams |
515 grams |
514 grams |
Processor |
Snapdragon XR2 Gen 1 |
Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 |
Snapdragon XR2 Gen2 |
6GB |
8GB |
8GB |
Storage |
128GB or 256GB |
512GB |
128GB or 256GB |
Per-eye resolution |
1832 x 1920 pixels |
2064 x 2208 pixels |
1832 x 1920 pixels |
Refresh rate |
60Hz, 72Hz, 90Hz |
72Hz, 80Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz |
90Hz, 120Hz |
Field of view |
96 degrees horizontal 90 degrees vertical |
110 degrees horizontal 96 degrees vertical |
96 degrees horizontal 90 degrees vertical |
Included controllers |
Meta Quest 2 Touch |
Meta Quest Touch Plus |
Meta Quest Touch Plus |
Mixed reality cameras |
2 x B&W cameras |
2 x 4 MP RGB cameras |
2 x 4 MP RBG cameras |
External tracking sensors |
2 x B&W cameras |
4 x IR cameras |
4 x VGA cameras |
Eye tracking |
None |
None |
None |
Battery life |
2 hours average |
2.2 hours average |
2.5 hours average |
Connectivity |
Wi-Fi 6 |
Wi-Fi 6E |
not specified |
Catch up on all the news from Meta Connect 2024!
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