As a new ice age sweeps across the planet, humanity has abandoned Earth. In the time since that occurrence, rabbits have evolved into the most advanced species on the planet. However, as they explore the remnants of human civilization, they stumble upon the fairytale of Peter Rabbit, which they adopt as their holy scripture. Outside of that, anything humanity left behind, including old technology, is deemed illegal. In Rusty Rabbit, you control a reckless, middle-aged rabbit named Stamp who scavenged this old tech. He’s stubborn, foul-mouthed, and considered by many a heretic due to his interactions with the human tech. This 2.5D action/platformer is about exploration and strengthening Stamp, who pilots a mech suit he built called the Junkster. With tight combat, an expansive skill tree, and humor galore thanks to the writing of Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica writer Gen Urobuchi, Rusty Rabbit is now on my radar for games to look out for this fall. – Brian Shea
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