The Borderlands movie might have forgotten about this fan-favorite character, but a new Borderlands 3 mod puts them front and center

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There’s a new mod for Borderlands 3 in development that replaces the operative Zane with the marksman Mordecai from the original Borderlands. Mordecai’s absence from the critically panned Borderlands movie left fans scratching their heads, but, luckily, our favorite bird boy is getting some love from the community.

While the Mordecai mod is still in active development, it’s almost finished according to its creator EpicNNG. The modding project sets out to replace as much of Zane with Mordecai as possible, including his skill tree, augments, character model, and more. EpicNNG has been posting sporadic updates about their progress over on Twitter, showcasing a lot of the features around Mordecai and his avian buddy Bloodwing.

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