Steam Next Fest’s biggest city builder adds a new feature after “outright mad scientist-like” players kept trying to brute force it themselves

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The Tiny Glade demo could have easily gotten buried under the big and bright RPGs, shooters, and roguelikes that filled up June’s Steam Next Fest, but the game won out as the most-played city builder and the fourth most-played demo overall, earning the title of “the baddest motherf***er in the room” by some other devs. There’s nothing quite like the pastoral castle creator, so while Tiny Glade’s exact 2024 release date remains unclear, its devoted player base was trying to make the most of its demo. 

Sometimes, they even loved the demo a bit too hard, breaking it a tad to jerry-rig new features and building options. But they won’t have to struggle so much anymore – the Tiny Glade developers just added half-timbered buildings directly. 

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