Skyrim player shocked to find they’ve spent 10 years hating the RPG’s combat all because they’ve been accidentally abusing the levelling system this whole time

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A big part of Skyrim‘s appeal is its variety. Whether it’s through mods or roleplaying, every playthrough is different, and there’s no wrong way to play the game. Well, that’s the case for most people, but not for one player who discovered they had been playing the game wrong for a decade, all because they didn’t understand the levelling system.

A few weeks ago, a Reddit post from u/Ok_Objective_5025 appeared on the Skyrim subreddit explaining that, while they loved the game as a whole, they could not stand the combat. “I always dreaded doing anything related to combat.”, they explained. “After all, combat in Skyrim was way too difficult and fights could drag on for actual real-life hours.”

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