Skyrim artist secretly worked to save the RPG’s ugly werewolves from getting cut before taking a demo to Todd Howard and getting a big reaction: “This is f***ing awesome”

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The beauty standard for werewolves is a confusing thing – should the beasts have opposable thumbs? Tails? Is it ok for them to be clean-shaven, or should every inch of their bodies be matted in dog fur? These questions with no answers initially made the werewolves in Skyrim look like embarrassing atrocities, but then former Bethesda senior artist Dennis Mejillones graciously gave them a total makeover to save them from being cut from the RPG entirely.

In a new interview with YouTube channel Kiwi Talkz, Mejillones laments that the process of designing werewolves for Skyrim was originally “going in a really south direction.”

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