Roguelike witchcraft from a master’s spellbook: in Edge 398, Supergiant explains the secret sorcery behind its first-ever sequel, Hades II

Estimated read time 3 min read

As many an indie-game developer has already attested – Hades II’s stealth launch into Early Access caught a lot of people off-guard. But then why not start as you mean to go on? After all, surprise is one of the most important ingredients of a Roguelike. And when you’re making a sequel, springing such shocks becomes that bit harder. 

Little wonder, then, that Supergiant Games spent plenty of time weighing up the pros and cons of a follow-up to its enormously successful underworld adventure. In an extensive interview with the developer, we discover that it had similar conversations after the warm critical and commercial reception that greeted its debut game, Bastion – before it pivoted to make the sci-fi-themed action-RPG Transistor instead. This time, though, a follow-up made even more sense, since there were plenty of mythological characters left over from the first game whose tales hadn’t really been told.

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