Pokemon world record for the most shinies caught in 24 hours by a group has been smashed, as 92 hunters almost triple a previous record to capture 1,708 sparkly finds
A group of Pokemon content creators have smashed a world record to catch the most shiny Pokemon as a team in 24 hours, with an enormous collective hunt ending in 1,708 sparkly finds.
Shiny Pokemon are, without a doubt, the most highly sought-after finds in pretty much every Pokemon game. To find one of these sparkly, alternate color-palette version Pokemon, you might be looking at odds as low as 1/8,192, but that’s what makes them such a thrill to find. Needless to say, the idea of topping a world record set in 2022, which saw 588 of the rarities caught in 24 hours by a group of players, was always going to be a tall order. However, YouTube creator PM7 – real name John – was up for the challenge, and assembled his own dream team of 92 fellow shiny hunters (including himself) to take on the task over the weekend.
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