Overwatch 2’s brilliant new roguelike-inspired mode lets you mod abilities, create builds, and cry over the cut campaign’s potential

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Halloween is nearly upon us, which means only one thing to cursed people like me: a new Overwatch 2 Halloween event. But this year’s spooky mode isn’t another dull co-op shooting gallery – it’s a brilliant roguelike-inspired clash that has me once again yearning for the now-dead Overwatch campaign.

Overwatch 2: Season 13 went live last night, bringing with it an arcade game mode called Junkenstein’s Laboratory. The 5v5 limited-time mode has a slimmed-down roster of 12 playable heroes duking it out on normal Overwatch maps, but the twist here is that you can ‘mutate’ abilities in between each round, which creates some wicked chaos and the best addition to the shooter in years. 

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