Netflix and Powerhouse Animation are bringing Lara Croft to the animated world in Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, coming October 10. Fans got their first look at the series last September, which is focused on Lara’s early adventures, and picks up the story after the Survivor trilogy game (Tomb Raider; Rise of the Tomb Raider; Shadow of the Tomb Raider). After almost a year, we finally have our first teaser trailer of Lara and what adventures she has in store.
“Lara Croft has abandoned her friends to embark on increasingly more perilous solo adventures. But she must return home when a dangerous and powerful Chinese artifact is stolen from Croft Manor by a thief with an uncanny personal connection,” the official show synopsis reads. “Her daring pursuit will take her on an adventure around the world and to the depths of forgotten tombs, where she will be forced to confront her true self, and decide just what kind of hero she wants to become.”
As previously announced, Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter) voices Lara Croft. She’s joined by Earl Baylon, who voiced Jonah in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and reprising his role for the series. Additionally, Allen Maldonado (Heels, The Last OG) was cast as the voice for Zip, a character who previously appeared in Tomb Raider Chronicles, Legend, and Underworld.
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft was first announced back in 2021, with relative newcomer Tasha Huo (The Witcher: Blood Origin) as showrunner and executive producer.
Earlier this year, Crystal Dynamics and Aspyr released the first three Tomb Raider games on both console and PC as part of a single package, featuring enhanced visuals.
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