Back in January at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), LG unveiled a 27-inch 480Hz OLED panel with some incredible specs, but didn’t say when or even if it would build a monitor around it. Now, the company has announced the UltraGear GX7 (27GX790A), a 27-inch QHD (2,560 x 1,440) OLED gaming monitor with a 480Hz refresh rate and a .03-millisecond response time — the fastest of any QHD OLED monitor, LG claims.
The new display supports both NVIDIA’s G-Sync and AMD’s FreeSync technology to reduce screen tearing and flickering. It received VESA’s DisplayHDR True Black 400 certification, meaning it’s decently bright, supports a wide color gamut (DCI-P3 98.5 percent) and produces deep blacks. It also comes with an anti-glare and low reflection coating.
The UltraGear GX7 is equipped with a headphone jack and both HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 2.1 inputs. It should be noted that neither of those display technologies natively support 480Hz refresh rates at 1440p resolutions, so LG’s new display will likely use DSC (display stream compression) technology that allows such a high refresh rate in conjunction with modern NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. Finally, it’s perched on sleek, height-adjustable stand with 15 degrees of tilt and 30 degrees of swivel.
LG’s new display isn’t cheap at $1,000, but it does undercut rival Sony’s InZone M10S (also a 1440p 480Hz OLED display) by $100. However, Sony’s monitor has a few extra pro gaming features, including one that draws an outline around enemies and another that simulates older LCD monitors for players who prefer that. The UltraGear GX7 is live on LG’s site, but there’s no pre-order button or shipping date yet.
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