Larian shows mercy, stops Baldur’s Gate 3’s hardest enemies from kicking your teeth in after you leave an Honour Mode campaign

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Larian Studios has mercifully rolled out a new hotfix for Baldur’s Gate 3 on PC to ensure that RPG fans who want a break from Honour Mode’s wrath don’t continue to get their asses kicked by powered-up enemies even after they’ve switched away from it. “Whoopsies,” Larian says. 

‘Whoopsies’ indeed. Baldur’s Gate 3 players determined to take on the RPG’s toughest challenge, Honour Mode, can expect to come face to face with a plethora of enemies who are buffed up with intimidating ‘Legendary Actions,’ which force you to approach certain battles differently to normal to have any hope of surviving the run. They’re no joke, and it’d be understandable if some players decided that they wanted a break from Honour Mode because of them, so imagine their horror if, upon switching back to a regular ol’ save, those same Legendary Actions continued to haunt them.

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