We are just days — days! — away from the official start of summer. That’s right, my sunshine, warm weather, and vacation-seeking friends. The summer solstice is on June 20, and Kroger is here to celebrate by giving away tons of ice cream for free.
The brand shared in a statement that it’s giving away ice cream for 15 straight hours in honor of the summer solstice, the day of the year with the longest amount of sunlight. Kroger plans to shell out 50 pints of free Kroger Brand ice cream per minute. “That’s 900 minutes of sunlight and 45,000 pints of free ice cream in total,” Kroger said in a statement.
“Summer means more time with family, more time by the pool, and more time indulging in our favorite treats, and nothing says a perfect summer day like sunshine and Kroger Brand ice cream,” Juan De Paoli, vice president of Our Brands for Kroger, shared in a statement. “With more sunshine to enjoy a sweet treat, we are giving away ice cream for 15 hours straight; that is a whole lot of free ice cream.”
To get your free pint, you just need to visit FreeKrogerIceCream.com and download the single-use digital coupon on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Naturally, these coupons are only available while supplies last. Once you download the coupon, you can take it to your nearest Krogers. (There is a little bit of fine print with this one. The freebie is valid across the nation, except at Kroger locations in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.)
The best part is, the coupon is good for whichever flavor you like, including its Kroger Brand Deluxe Tie Dye Burst, which includes “swirls of vanilla, cherry and blue moon,” or more classic flavors like Mint Chocolate Chip, Vanilla, and Chocolate Chip.
Kroger also noted in its statement that customers can shop for ice cream (free or otherwise) through its Kroger Pickup and Delivery service, and save even more by joining its Boost by Kroger Plus membership. Which, to us, just means more ice cream all summer long.
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