Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ Favorite Sandwich Is Simple, Classic, and Perfect—and We Agree

Estimated read time 2 min read

How fun is the Colbert Questionnairet, the segment Stephen Colbert does with celebrities on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert”? He asks them questions like, “What’s the scariest animal?” or “flat or sparkling?” and they reveal personal information about themselves in the answers.

Around here, our favorite question is, of course, a food one. And Colbert loves to ask celebrities, “Whats the best sandwich?” From Barbara Streisand‘s impressively classy choice—dark turkey with coleslaw and Russian dressing on rye bread—to Ryan Gosling’s surprisingly relatable ice cream sandwich, we love learning about celebs’ favorite sammies.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the actress best known for her role as Elaine in “Seinfeld” and U.S. Vice President Selina Meyer in “Veep,” recently appeared on Colbert’s show. The Emmy-award winning actress also hosts a podcast called “Wiser Than Me,” which is one of our favorites since she frequently interviews some of our favorite women in the food world, including Ina Garten and Alice Waters. When she sat down with Colbert, we were dying to know: What’s her favorite sandwich?

Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ Favorite Sandwich

“Oh my god. I hope I get it right,” Louis-Dreyfus said before diving into the questionnaire. When Colbert threw the question at her, she responded with all the confidence in the world, “A BLT.”

“The American classic, as I call it,” agreed Colbert. In the world of sandwiches, an excellent BLT is hard to beat. Although simple in construction, when prepared well, the sandwich is absolutely perfect.

“How much tomato are we talking here? How much T? Because that’s the variable in my mind,” Colbert pressed.

Julia had to think about that one for a while. She landed on, “A medium amount of tomato, a medium amount of lettuce, and a hearty supply of bacon.” So, there you have it. A precise BLT ratio: medium tomato, medium lettuce, and a whole lot of bacon. Sounds like the best BLT to us.

While they didn’t talk bread, we are sure it would be something hearty and toasted, and of course, slathered with Colbert’s favorite mayo. And while we think BLTs are perfect the way they are, we wouldn’t stop you from adding your own twist to it.

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