Japanese scientists close in on petabit-class submarine cable tech set to revolutionize Internet speeds — NEC and NTT managed to shuttle hundreds of terabits over thousands of kilometers thanks to a clever algorithm

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To cope with the demand for international bandwidth almost doubling every two years, Japanese corporations NEC and NTT have successfully trialed a revolutionary submarine cable technology set to drastically enhance internet speeds under the sea. 

The transoceanic-class experiment transmitted hundreds of terabits across a staggering 7,280km, a feat made possible through a sophisticated algorithm.

NEC and NTT’s innovative solution uses a 12-core multicore fiber, comprising of 12 optical signal transmission paths within a standard outer diameter optical fiber, a significant enhancement from existing single-core fiber used in submarine cables.

NEC/NTT submarine cable technology

(Image credit: NEC/NTT)

MIMO technology

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