Helldivers 2 issues a make or break Major Order to get the Democracy Space Station up and running before the flying bots plot their next attack

Estimated read time 3 min read

It’s now or never, Helldivers. At long last, after weeks of Major Orders, Helldivers 2‘s Democracy Space Station has finally been fully constructed. However, it’s not over yet, as the station needs to be brought online, and preferably before the brigade of flying Automatons gets any bright ideas.

In a dispatch sent out to players today, Super Earth confirms that the “sole remaining step to bring the station online is the procurement of enough E-710 to power its High-Efficiency Alcubierre Drives.” To do so, our task is fairly straightforward – squash 500 million pesky Terminids, and make sure that the Democracy Space Station’s home location of Gaellivare is still under Super Earth control by the time the order ends in just under five days. 

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