Former Pokemon world champ uses a “stupid strategy” that “should never work” to transform a Lapras into an OHKO machine so powerful it can even take out enemies in alternate dimensions

Estimated read time 3 min read

Competitive Pokemon is serious business, and one former world champion recently devised a strategy for a tournament that was so devious that once it was in action, he could one-hit KO pretty much any opposing Pokemon in his path, even if they were in different dimensions. No, really.

Pokemon icon Wolfe “Wolfey” Glick – who was world champion in 2016, and recently won the Masters Division at the 2025 European International Championships – is a certified genius when it comes to building teams that many competitive players would never dream of. In this case, he built a team focused around the move Sheer Cold – a low-accuracy move that’ll OHKO any Pokemon (apart from Ice-types) if it actually lands. The fact that it usually only hits 30% of the time means that in a high-stakes setting, it’d normally be a terrible idea to use it, but Wolfey found a way to make sure the move would never miss, with a “stupid strategy” so convoluted that it “should never work in practice, never mind in a tournament.”

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