You’re bound to have a long and eventful journey in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, one that sees you step outside Midgar to explore the lands beyond. Still, what do you do if you forgot some objectives in the initial region and you want to return there? Here’s our guide on how to fast travel from Junon to Grasslands in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
How to fast travel from Junon to Grasslands in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
You can fast travel from Junon to Grasslands, and vice versa, upon completing the Stuck in a Rut side quest. Here’s a quick summary:
- You explore the Grasslands during Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins.
- Eventually, you venture into the Mythril Mines in Chapter 3: Deeper Into Darkness.
- You emerge from the caverns to take in the sights of the Junon region in Chapter 4: Dawn of a New Era. However, you soon realize that there’s no way to go back to the Grasslands. Whoops!
Don’t worry since all you need to do is start the Stuck in a Rut side quest, which comes from the Ranch Owner in Gabe’s Ranch. The small settlement itself is just outside the entrance to Under Junon, and is fairly close to the Junon Chocobo area.
Where to find Dried Driftwood for Wainwright
Upon talking to Gabe, he asks you to find a fella named Wainwright. Use the Junon Chocobo to climb up vertical inclines until you reach Wainwright’s Hut in the northeast. Then, tell Aerith to wake him up with her magic.
Wainwright wants you to find three pieces of Dried Driftwood, and he’s provided an illustration:

The objective now is to mount up on your Chocobo and use its Scent and Scour actions. The Scent action is done by holding Up on the D-pad, whereupon you’ll see a blue circle with an arrow, along with a faint line. Have the Chocobo face this arrow and follow it to spot a glow on the ground. Then, use Scour by pressing Down on the D-pad, which will make the Chocobo peck the area to reveal the item.
Here are the three locations if we’re looking at the world map instead of Wainwright’s drawing:

How to use the Junon to Grasslands fast travel system
Once you have all three pieces of Dried Driftwood, hand them over to Wainwright. He’ll then give you a Carriage Wheel, Carriage Bed, and Carriage Brace. Bring these to Gabe and he’ll craft a Chocobo Carriage for you. This completes the Stuck in a Rut quest, which also nets you bonus relationship points/affinity with Aerith.

The Chocobo Carriage can be used to travel back and forth Gabe’s Ranch and Bill’s Ranch. This is how you fast travel from Junon to Grasslands in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. In later chapters, you should also be able to use this to directly go to Under Junon or Costa del Sol (if you’ve already traveled aboard the cruise ship). Note that there are numerous ways for you to explore the vast world map, and we discuss these in our fast travel methods guide.
A grand adventure awaits you in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. We’ve got all the tips and strategies for you in our FF7 Rebirth guides hub.
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