Fallout season 2 scripts are already finished and Prime Video boss thinks fans will be “happy” with how quickly the show is set to return

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Fallout season 2 could be returning to our screens sooner than we thought. According to Vernon Sanders, Head of Television at Amazon MGM Studios, the next installment of the video game adaptation has already been written and things are moving “very fast” behind the scenes. 

“On Fallout, the team has had such a crisp and clear vision all along, so I can share that we already have scripts in hand for season 2,”, Sanders told Deadline. “We’ve set a high-quality bar, so we’re going to make sure that season 2 not only lives up to season 1 but delivers even more. We’ve got a plan that we’re moving very fast on. I can’t tell you an exact date, but I think everyone will be happy with how quickly we’re able to get back with season 2.”

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