Fallout mod site says it’s like players are downloading Skyrim “twice every second” after Amazon TV series drives fans back to the open-world RPGs

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The Fallout TV show has been driving fans to the games in numbers we haven’t seen in years, and nobody is feeling the effects more than Nexus Mods. The site is seeing massive spikes in traffic that admins are attributing directly to the success of the Amazon Prime series, and a new update offers some fresh insight to the challenge the site is facing.

“We are aware that over the last 7-9 days our website performance has been heavily degraded, with file download speeds being particularly slow,” community management lead Demorphic says in a news post. “We know this has been incredibly frustrating for you and it’s frustrating for us as well. We have spent two weekends battling to keep the site running as best we can and will continue to work at all hours to try and ensure as smooth an experience as possible.”

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