Disney Epic Mickey creator Warren Spector has commented about the franchise’s return to modern platforms, but said that a third entry is impossible. However, were that game ever to be made, he does have some ideas.
“I’d love to do Epic Mickey 3 but I have a day job that would make that impossible. I actually have a high-level idea for what I’d do in a tri-quel,” Spector explained on LinkedIn. However, he didn’t give any further details about his idea.
The Disney Epic Mickey series is coming back as Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, a remake of the original 2010 game. Spector also assisted the developer Purple Lamp in the remake, but it’s unknown how deep his involvement was.
On LinkedIn, Spector went on to sing Purple Lamp’s praises, as well as Rebrushed’s publisher, THQ Nordic. “Being part of the company’s ongoing legacy of delivering family entertainment that lives on for decades is more than I could have hoped for,” he said.
Spector is currently at OtherSide Entertainment, which is working on games such as Argos: Riders on the Storm and Thick as Thieves.
In GameSpot’s Disney Epic Mickey review, we said, “Epic Mickey shows that even a good implementation of a cherished license can’t overcome an abundance of fundamental design flaws.” Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed is coming later this year for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
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