Don’t worry, Manor Lords players, the game didn’t mean to call your town “Loserville” – that’s just a Quentin Tarantino reference

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The hot new citybuilder Manor Lords has been making a mockery of some players by seemingly referring to their settlements as “Loserville” in-game, but developer Slavic Magic has cleared the air by revealing it was all just a big misunderstanding stemming from an internal codename referencing a Quentin Tarantino quote.

Over the past few days since the .7.960 beta patch dropped, Manor Lords players have been reporting instances where they go to hire mercenaries for their towns and are told those hired soldiers would be arriving in “Loserville,” implying that the lords of those towns are indeed losers. Frankly, people have gone to war for less.

Arrive where? My town isn’t the greatest but loserville?? from r/ManorLords

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