Despite being the frontrunner, unlucky WoW Classic grinder loses the race to max level on the MMO’s new Hardcore servers after disconnecting 6 levels before the finish line

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One MMO streamer determined to be the first to hit the maximum level on World of Warcraft Classic’s new Hardcore Fresh servers was forcibly kicked out of the running after losing all his progress just six levels before the finish line, following a poorly timed disconnect.Β 

The fresh WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition realms went live on November 21, giving nostalgic players the chance to make the journey to level 60 all over again. You could go about this in quite a relaxing way, taking your time and making steady progress, but some MMO fans instead took it as a challenge and began racing to see who could be the first to hit max level on the Hardcore servers, where the stakes are high and death means you have to start over from the beginning.Β 

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