DC’s New Horror Anthology Knows What You Did Last Crisis

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As part of its solicitations for the month of September 2024, DC has unveiled I Know What You Did Last Crisis, a superbly titled horror anthology featuring in-continuity stories “set during the events of crises past”—DC’s catch-all term for cataclysmic events meant to streamline its universe’s ever-increasingly convoluted continuity.

This means events like Crisis on Infinite Earths, Final Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Flashpoint, Blackest Night, Zero Hour, and countless others will receive the Tales of the Crypt treatment, in which a revolving door of DC’s beloved characters suddenly find themselves in an unrecognizable world warped by the machinations of inter-dimensional gods, or Superboy punching the walls of reality. Here’s the synopsis:

In the blackest night, when the darkness feels infinite, the very fabric of the universe begins to tear…as every major crisis in DCU history rises once again! These eight chilling tales, set during the events of crises past, serve to warn you, dear reader: when in crisis, watch your back. In the fractured world of Flashpoint, Professor Pyg is stalking Gotham City’s nightclubs, sniffing out victims! During Blackest Night, Scarecrow lurks outside a movie theater, recruiting new test subjects to perfect his fear toxin! Even heroes like Nightwing aren’t safe when his death might just have the power to reverse the damage of Infinite Crisis! All these, plus new stories from Crisis on Infinite Earths, Millennium, Zero Hour, The Final Night, and Final Crisis are collected in DC’s I Know What You Did Last Crisis, a deadly new horror anthology coming to haunt you this fall!

Featuring stories by Dan DiDio, Rex Ogle, Dave Wielgosz, Rachel Pinnelas, Matthew Levine with art by Dan Hipp, M.L. Sanapo, Adam Graphite, Sid Kotian, Will Robson, Jordi Tarragona, and more, the solicit seems promising, if perhaps a little unambitious.

Setting creepy characters like Professor Pyg and the Scarecrow loose as the world crumbles around them isn’t too different from the serial killer-meets-natural disaster genre, examples of which include the Lifetime channel’s Psycho Storm-Chaser or the Fox Family Channel’s Earthquake in New York. Nightwing contemplating his own death also doesn’t feel like it takes full advantage of the book’s reality-warping conceit, but we’ll find out when I Know What You Did Last Crisis hits shelves this October 2. Share some of your ideas for Crisis-inspired horror stories in the comments!

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