Daphne Oz Shares What She Learned on Her Health Journey

Estimated read time 3 min read

Everyone’s weight-health journey is unique, and this is no different for Daphne Oz. For the television personality and cookbook author, WeightWatchers has been a help, and she recently shared on Instagram what she’s learned as a five-year member.

“I’m celebrating five years with WeightWatchers, so I thought I would share five of my best tips for someone who maybe is just getting started or thinking about getting started on their weight-health journey,” she shares in the video.

The biggest lesson that Oz learned: “You can’t finish what you don’t start.” She further explained what that means.

“Once you start feeling the wins and successes of committing to your health and feeling like you are supported in that journey, you’re going to wish you started so much sooner,” Oz says. “But today is the first opportunity you will get, so get started …”

Another tip that Oz shares is the importance of planning ahead and how it’s the “key to success.” We asked the star for her No. 1 meal-prep advice that helps her make easy, healthy meals for herself and her family—here’s what she had to say.

“I love looking for ways to make any prolonged effort in the kitchen count twice, so when I roast a chicken or a sheet of veggies, I’ll usually do two batches: one to have fresh, and one to save and use as leftovers for easy meal prep throughout the week,” she tells EatingWell

As for her favorite ingredients that she always has on hand, she keeps it simple.

“An assortment of washed greens, prepped fresh and roasted veggies, a few cooked grains or legumes, and leftover shredded chicken, grilled shrimp, steak or salmon,” she says. “It makes healthy weekday meals fast, easy and obvious—which ensures I’m that much more likely to stay consistent with good choices even when busy.” With a mix of protein and fibrous staples, Oz can guarantee balanced dinners for her family each day.

Her other three tips shared in her video? Ignore the self-deprecation when you’re treating yourself, “let little wins fuel big wins,” and tune in to your body, understanding the number on the scale can only explain so much.

“If you’re committing to something as a lifestyle, it has to be flexible to meet you where you are,” Oz says. We fully agree with the need for eating enjoyable treats in moderation within a healthy lifestyle. Oz’s advice clearly comes from experience, and she shares an important, motivating message for those looking to lose or maintain their weight in a healthy way.

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