BioWare lead proves he’s onto us while celebrating Mass Effect 3’s birthday, clarifying that’s all he’s doing so that “nobody can say I purposefully teased them”

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Over a decade has passed since Mass Effect 3 first graced fans with its stellar story and sci-fi world, and BioWare lead Michael Gamble is celebrating its 13th birthday with a post – but at the same time, he’s also ensuring that readers are aware that’s all his post is.

It’s not a cryptic hint, a mysterious teaser, or any other flavor of a masked reveal – it’s just a celebratory post commemorating the monumental release of Mass Effect’s third entry. “Happy birthday, ME3,” writes Gamble, who is currently directing Mass Effect 5. The game means a lot to us. I’ll leave it there. That way nobody can say I purposefully teased them or created some sort of news story hinting at the next game details.”

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