Behaviour in children: how diet can help

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Is my child’s behaviour ADHD?

The classic symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) include insomnia, lack of concentration, mood swings and frequent destructive outbursts. If these symptoms sound familiar, the first step is to talk to your GP, they can refer your child to a paediatric team for expert assessment and advice. Although you may recognise some of these traits, do not attempt to diagnose without having your child assessed by a specialist. Whether your child has a diagnosed behavioural disorder or is simply going through a difficult stage, tweaking the diet may be helpful as a starting point, and is a practical thing to do while you wait for an assessment.

Here is how to start:

Two boys eating breakfast

1. Breakfast well

Always encourage your kids to eat breakfast. Any breakfast is better than nothing; however, some evidence suggests that lower-GI foods may be a better choice for cognitive function.

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Great options include:

  • A boiled egg with wholegrain toast
  • Baked beans served on a grainy English muffin
  • Porridge cooked with apple and served with a dollop of yogurt
  • Weetabix with milk and a sliced banana

Eating foods that have a low score on the glycaemic index can help keep blood sugar levels steady and may even help your body metabolise fat more efficiently. The GI ranks carbohydrate foods based on the rate at which they are broken down into glucose. Too much glucose in the bloodstream triggers the pancreas to release a hormone called insulin to bring blood sugar levels back into the normal range. Regularly consuming foods with a high-GI may lead to high levels of circulating insulin and subsequent blood sugar swings which for some, may result in irritability.

Despite the fact that many parents are in consensus that sugary foods turn their kids wild, there is little scientific evidence to prove that sugar (specifically) has a negative impact on behaviour. However, foods that are highly processed, overly sweet or have a high-GI value have little to offer nutritionally. Aim to limit these high-GI carbs and opt instead for complex wholegrains with a low-GI value. This may help to reduce some of the symptoms and will benefit overall health as well as protect their teeth. If you bake at home use wholemeal flour or oats and cut back on the quantity of sugar you use when baking, replacing it with fruit as a base in puddings and cakes. It’s also worth looking at the starchy foods – white rice and white bread/bread products – to see if changing to the whole-grain versions bring about any notable benefits.

Find more information and expert advice on following a low-GI diet.

Try these low GI breakfasts

2. The importance of omega-3 fats

One of the most important areas of research into the relationship between foods and behaviour focuses on getting children to eat more of the oily fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish contain beneficial fatty acids which positively influence the signals sent back and forth between the brain and other parts of the body. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is one of the two main types of fish oil and has been shown in studies to help stabilise mood swings and generally improve concentration, behaviour and learning abilities of children with ADHD. If your child does not like oily fish, has a fish allergy or follows a vegan diet, consider a supplement and discuss this option with your child’s GP or consultant.

Best sources of omega-3:

  • Oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and small-boned fish, followed by shellfish and other seafood
  • Omega-3-enriched eggs
  • Walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds

Read more about omega-3 rich foods here

Get inspired with these recipes:


3. Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D may also be helpful, research suggests it may improve attention levels, reduce irritability and hyperactivity in some children. Safe sunlight exposure, without burning, is the most effective means of supporting vitamin D levels, combined with supplementation during the autumn and winter months.

Read more about vitamin D and whether you are getting enough here

Try these tasty recipes:

Healthy shakshuka
Spicy sardine dip
Mackerel paté
Egg & soldiers

4. Mighty minerals

Low levels of minerals, such as iron and zinc have been implicated in some children’s behavioural issues. For children under two years of age, a period of rapid brain development, suggests iron deficiency may be at its most relevant, and low levels may potentially result in long term problems with attention and mood. Emerging research also shows that many children with ADHD have lower levels of zinc, compared to the average child. Consequently, improving zinc levels in children with ADHD may result in a reduction in the symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and impaired socialisation. However, this remains an area for further research.

Useful sources of iron and zinc include:

  • Iron-fortified rice cereal with puréed fruit (from six months of age onwards)
  • Iron-fortified breakfast cereal
  • Spaghetti bolognese
  • Baked beans on soy & linseed bread
  • Green vegetables – peas, spinach and kale
  • Poached eggs on toast

Try these tasty recipes

A bowl of coloured cereal with food additive labels inserted into the bowl

5. Additives: what to watch

Food additives are used either to prevent foods spoiling or to enhance flavour and their visual appeal. They include substances such as preservatives, artificial colours, artificial flavourings and acidifiers. E-numbers are given to additives that have passed safety tests and are approved for use in the EU. There are some E-numbers that have been linked to hyperactivity in children, so avoiding them may be helpful for some.

These include:

  • tartrazine (E102)
  • quinoline yellow (E104)
  • sunset yellow (E110)
  • carmosine (E122)
  • ponceau 4R (E124)
  • allura red (E129)
  • sodium benzoate (E211)

Studies show that kids who eat a diet free of these additives may be healthier, more evenly behaved and enjoy better concentration.

However, other additives are perfectly safe and are used to increase shelf life or improve colour and texture. Don’t make drastic changes to the diet of your child without getting medical advice first.

6. ADHD and elimination diets

On rare occasions, children with ADHD have reacted to a group of naturally occurring chemicals known as salicylates. If you believe this may be relevant, see your GP for referral to a paediatric dietitian who can advise and support you with an elimination diet. Elimination diets may be effective for some children, but such diets require careful monitoring and support and must only be conducted under the appropriate supervision.

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This article was last reviewed on 16th August 2024 by Kerry Torrens

Jo Lewin is a registered nutritionist (RNutr) with the Association for Nutrition with a specialism in public health. Follow her on Twitter @nutri_jo.

All health content on is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider. See our website terms and conditions for more information.

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