Baldur’s Gate 3’s Neil Newbon would love to play Astarion again: “Live action or game, I don’t care – an advert for grape juice”

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Neil Newbon, the actor who plays Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3, has said he would “love” to reprise his role as the fan-favorite sexy vampire.

The Astarion actor gushed over the character in a recent interview with BAFTA, where he was asked about his career’s next steps. “There are definitely people I’d love to work with,” Newbon said, pointing to God of War rebooters Sony Santa Monica, Marvel’s Spider-Man makers Insomniac Games, and The Last of Us studio Naughty Dog as examples. Also, “Bethesda stuff – I love Fallout, man. I’d love to do that.”

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