Baldur’s Gate 3’s Lae’zel borrowed her fighting style from a legendary samurai’s fight with his sleep paralysis demon

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The mocap actor behind some of Baldur’s Gate 3’s most iconic combat moves reveals that the origin of Lae’zel’s style has its roots in ancient samurai mythology.

In a new video, Larian spoke to mocap artist Mustapha El Bachiri, who mostly works as a stunt actor and choreographer for movies and TV, but also contributed to combat, locomotion, and spellcasting animations on Baldur’s Gate 3. In the video, he explains how each class, race, and origin character had a unique look and feel, which needed to be captured “to make them feel like their own characters.”

General Mocappery: Combat with Mustapha – YouTube
General Mocappery: Combat with Mustapha - YouTube

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