Baldur’s Gate 3 streamer dials the PRG’s most unpredictable D&D class feature all the way to 11, triggering a quintessential Sorcerer trick on every single spell cast

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Wild Magic is one of Baldur’s Gate 3‘s most potentially-devastating features, but one player has leaned into the chaos it offers by modding the RPG to ensure that it triggers every single time a spell is cast.

Wild Magic is a Sorcerer class feature, where, every time you cast a spell, you have a 5% chance to trigger one of dozens of random effects. In D&D, these include things like all your hair falling out, being forced to shout rather than speak, or randomly casting spells. In Baldur’s Gate 3, the table is edited slightly, but that means that the likelihood of something catastrophic happening seems somewhat higher. Previously, we’ve written about Wild Magic wiping Honour Mode playthroughs at the first hurdle, or ruining some of the game’s most important moments.

Baldur’s Gate 3, but wild magic triggers every time – YouTube
Baldur's Gate 3, but wild magic triggers every time - YouTube

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