Baldur’s Gate 3 investigator says Larian “neutered” one of the RPG’s major factions, stopping its NPCs from using their “most important” D&D class feature

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Some of Baldur’s Gate 3‘s trickier fights might be so difficult because the NPC allies fighting alongside you have been bugged since launch, with one analyst suggesting that Larian deliberately “neutered” almost an entire faction. 

If you, like me, found that Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 2 is a much less pleasant place to be than Act 1, the chances are high that you, like me, struggled with some of its battles. On my first playthrough, there were plenty of difficult encounters, but one of the hardest was the assault on Moonrise Tower. With Jaheira and the Harpers by my side, I thought I stood a pretty good chance, but in the end it took multiple attempts and some cheesy strategy to make it through.

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