Baldur’s Gate 3 devs made the RPG “too horny” right before release because last-minute playtesters were “probably just very bad at seducing people”

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Larian Studios reveals that Baldur’s Gate 3 shipped in a hilariously horny state as developers were unable to properly “seduce” companions while testing the RPG’s romance system.

Speaking at BAFTA’s recent An Evening with Baldur’s Gate 3 event, Larian Studios admits that Baldur’s Gate 3 romances were spiced up right before the game’s monumental release in 2023 after developers failed to seduce companions. “Right before release, we made everyone too horny,” writing director Adam Smith explains. “That’s an actual thing that happened. We were testing the romance and we get to Act 2 – and no one’s interested in me.”

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