Baldur’s Gate 3 dev backs Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity director Josh Sawyer, wishes he “would get the resources” for his dream RPG: “I want to play that game”

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Baldur’s Gate 3 publishing director Michael Douse wants someone to give Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity director Josh Sawyer the resources to make his dream RPG.

Sawyer recently said he doesn’t see himself making another Pillars of Eternity game because he’s “out of step” with the RPG’s core audience, specifically when it comes to the romance system. In response to that sentiment, Douse threw his support behind Sawyer and said he hopes to one day play another RPG developed by him. Sawyer is a design director at Obsidian currently not explicitly attached to any in-development projects.

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