Baldur’s Gate 3 boss was such a World of Warcraft fiend “through the entire pregnancy,” he wonders if his son inherited his “big game addiction”

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Larian Studios CEO and Baldur’s Gate 3 director Swen Vincke recently revealed that one of his most-played games is actually World of Warcraft, and his MMO habit was so persistent at one point, he jokes that his son inherited his “big game addiction.”

When asked about his most-played games ever in the interview with BAFTA below, Vincke reveals that that “would have been either World of Warcraft of Starcraft 2.” Vincke and his wife apparently first began playing the immortal MMO when they were pregnant, “and so we played it through the entire pregnancy with the baby basically growing up, and then when he was [born] he was just sitting on her lap and we kept on playing.” He then laughs that his son now “has a really big game addiction problem, which I think we caused!”

Swen Vincke adores Ultima VII and reveals a juicy Baldur’s Gate 3 secret… | BAFTA Checkpoint – YouTube
Swen Vincke adores Ultima VII and reveals a juicy Baldur's Gate 3 secret... | BAFTA Checkpoint - YouTube

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