Baldur’s Gate 3 artist fondled a pack of Oreos to get the tentacle-stroking mind flayer sex scene just right: “Some things should probably stay behind the scenes”

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Baldur’s Gate 3 features some of the wildest sex scenes you’ll see in a AAA video game, including the option to enter the tender, tentacled embrace of a mind flayer. Today, developer Larian Studios has revealed the lengths one developer went to get the tentacle stroking just right.

If you’re not sure which mind flayer you can romance in Baldur’s Gate 3, I’m gonna need to drop a spoiler warning for you, because that character’s identity is a pretty big deal. Still here? Good – and yes, of course, we’re talking about the sex scene with the Emperor, the Illithid who turns out to have been the secret mastermind behind your dream guardian. If you decide you’re okay with being a little (extremely) gaslit, you can, of course, choose to join the Emperor in the proverbial Bone Zone.

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