After hours of Skyrim NPCs blurting out NSFW dialogue courtesy of his Twitch chat, streamer concludes “this entire thing was a mistake”

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After giving his Twitch viewers the unfathomable power of being able to make Skyrim NPCs say whatever they want using a purpose-built mod, streamer and ex-software engineer Blurbs has concluded that his creation “was a mistake.”

Blurbs’ Skyrim mod has a simple purpose, but you can see how it could quite easily make any stream of the game take a chaotic turn. Using messages in the chat, subscribers are able to create NPCs, along with a short greeting, and the tone in which it should be delivered using the power of text to speech. As you’d guess, viewers are taking full advantage of this ability to say the silliest and most absurd things possible, with highlights over the last few days including NPCs announcing “I’m gonna bust,” threatening to feast on the streamer’s flesh, and giving out some very NSFW compliments. 

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