A balanced diet for vegans

Estimated read time 8 min read

What do vegans eat?

Vegans avoid all animal-derived foods – as well as meat and fish. That means no eggs, dairy or honey. They also exclude animal by-products, like rennet used in cheesemaking, gelatine in desserts and certain E numbers, including the red food dye cochineal (E120). Even certain vegetarian foods, such as some meat substitutes, are off the menu because they contain egg and sometimes dairy. Instead, vegans focus on plant-based proteins, such as beans, peas and lentils, as well as nuts, seeds and plant-based dairy alternatives and fruit and vegetables.

Healthy vegan ingredients

What makes a healthy vegan diet?

The Eatwell guide defines the different types of foods we should all be eating, and in what proportions. This guide highlights simple rules to follow that are relevant for the majority of us, such as getting a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables each day and eating more wholegrains. For vegans specifically, there is the vegan Eatwell guide, promoted by the Vegan Society. It highlights the importance of beans and pulses as well as nuts and seeds, shows where calcium can be found in numerous plant-based foods, and emphasises that getting enough vitamins B12 and D, omega-3 fatty acids and iodine is essential to maintaining good health.

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What are Reference Intakes (RI)?

Our nutritional needs vary depending on gender, size, age and activity levels. Reference Intakes (RI) are daily recommended amounts for calories, macronutrients, salt and sugar.

Read more about RIs here.

Which nutrients might vegans be lacking?

Vegan diets are rich in fibre, vitamin C and folate (thanks to all that fruit and veg), but if you follow a vegan diet, you may be lacking in a number of other vitamins and minerals.


People starting a plant-based diet are often concerned about getting enough protein. However, peas, lentils and beans are useful sources of plant-based protein. Reassuringly, these is no evidence to suggest vegans who enjoy a varied diet are likely to be deficient in protein. Learn more about the best vegan sources of protein.

Omega-3 fatty acids

These essential fats must be obtained from the diet. They’re crucial for our brain, hormones, nerves, eyes and immune system. There are three main types: ALA, EPA and DHA. The most active forms, EPA and DHA, are typically found in fatty fish, while ALA is sourced from plant foods, but must be converted by the body to EPA and DHA. Vegan foods that supply ALA include chia, hemp and flaxseeds, as well as walnuts. Rapeseed oil is a useful omega-3 option for cooking.

Plant milks


Often associated with bone health, calcium is also necessary for nerve and muscle function and blood clotting. A vegan diet can provide your calcium requirements, if you include calcium-set tofu, fortified plant milks and yogurts, leafy greens (including kale and pak choi) and nuts and seeds (like chia seeds and almonds). Read more about the best vegan sources of calcium.


This is needed for thyroid hormones, which control our metabolism and, as such, determine how fast our cells work. Plant foods tend to contain very low levels of iodine. This means a supplement may be the most reliable vegan source.


Plants are a good source of iron. You can optimise your absorption of this energising mineral by combining plant sources with foods rich in vitamin C. For example, enjoy iron-rich lentils with peppers.

Vitamin B12

Needed for healthy red blood cells and nerve function, vitamin B12 is typically found in animal foods like eggs, milk and cheese, so vegans need to eat fortified breakfast cereals and soya products, and consider taking a supplement (look for one that supplies 10 micrograms daily).

Vitamin D

This is metabolised via the action of sunlight on the skin, but you can also obtain it from fortified vegan spreads and soya milk. UK guidelines suggest that everyone should supplement with vitamin D during the winter, when sunshine is in short supply. When choosing a supplement, aim for 10 micrograms daily and remember that some forms are not vegan. Some are also more bio-available, and therefore more effective. Vitamin D in the form of D2 is suitable for vegans, but vitamin D3 may not be, so look for a vitamin D3 product that is derived from lichen, which is suitable for vegans.


Essential for the brain chemical acetylcholine, choline helps sharpen our memory and plays a role in liver function, muscle development and cholesterol management. Expectant mums are thought to have a greater need for this nutrient, because it may be important for the baby’s brain development. Mums will also need it for their own liver and placental function. As long as your vegan diet includes beans, soya, peanuts and quinoa, as well as green veg, nuts, seeds and grains, you will not fall short of this nutrient. It’s also worth bearing in mind that choline is water-soluble, so if you are boiling green vegetables, make use of the cooking liquid in sauces, soups and gravies.

A woman checking a food label

If you’re new to a vegan diet, follow these steps when shopping:

  1. Check the labels of all packaged products such as bouillon powder, stock cubes, sauces and spreads. Ingredients to look out for include whey, casein and lactose, which are all derived from milk.
  2. Be aware that non-vegan wines and beer may have been processed with animal products. This is also relevant to wine vinegars – check that the brand is vegan-friendly.
  3. Remember most pastries and some bread contain butter and some contain milk or milk derivatives.
  4. In desserts and puddings, replace gelatine with agar-agar or vege-gel, both are made from seaweed.
  5. Use silken or soft tofu as an alternative to dairy in desserts and be sure to use fortified plant-based dairy alternatives as they contain added vitamins and sometimes minerals, like iodine.

What to eat if you’re vegan


Whatever you do, don’t skip the most important meal of the day. If you do, you’re likely to experience a blood sugar rollercoaster, which means you may end up choosing the wrong foods later. Breakfast helps you hit your nutrition goals and plays a key role in maintaining a healthy weight.

Vegan breakfast recipes

Tofu scramble
Vegan strawberry pancakes
Vegan fry-up
Overnight oats with apricots & yogurt

Mid-morning snack

If you’re quite active or you have a small appetite, a little and often approach to eating can be a good idea. Choose snacks that satisfy energy needs, plus provide some extra benefits such as topping up your five-a-day.

Snack recipes

Crispy roasted chickpeas
Roasted pumpkin seeds
Peanut butter smoothie


Pack your lunch with a combination of carb-rich foods for energy and satisfying protein from nuts, seeds, beans and pulses. The key is to choose carbs that produce a steady rise in blood sugar – this means passing on the sugary white foods and going for high fibre wholegrains.

Vegan lunch recipes

Vegan chickpea curry jacket potatoes
Vegan kale pesto pasta
Bulgur & quinoa lunch bowls
Vegan salad bowl
Butter bean curry wraps

Mid-afternoon snack

Whether your mid-afternoon craving is for sweet or savoury, there are plenty of healthy options to satisfy. Combine dried fruit with unsalted nuts or seeds for an energising, protein-packed snack. Alternatively, make your own nut and seed mix or make a quick dip.

Afternoon snack recipes

Date & walnut cinnamon bites
Spicy sweet potato hummus
Avocado & cannellini bean dip
Cinnamon & apricot trail mix
Protein balls

Vegan biryani


Base dinner around ingredients like beans, lentils, chickpeas and tofu. Add flavour with yeast extract, which is not only a tasty addition but a useful source of vitamin B12. Fill half your plate with colourful veg (especially leafy greens because they supply iodine) and drizzle with a dressing made from cold-pressed flaxseed, rapeseed, walnut or hemp oil. Your body will use these fats overnight, along with protein, for regeneration and repair. These are all important nutrients for maintaining healthy skin and hair. As a general rule, aim for a tablespoon of ground flaxseed, chia seeds or two tablespoons of oil each day.

Vegan dinner recipes

Butter bean curry
Vegan beetroot bourguignon
Chickpea, tomato & spinach curry
Vegan biryani
Vegan bolognese
Tofu curry

Enjoyed this? Now read:

Is a vegan diet healthy?
Is a vegan diet healthy for kids?
Top 10 health benefits of a vegan diet
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This article was last reviewed on 30 May 2024 by Kerry Torrens.

Kerry Torrens Bsc (Hons) PgCert MBANT is a Registered Nutritionist with a post-graduate diploma in Personalised Nutrition & Nutritional Therapy. She is a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and a member of the Guild of Food Writers. Over the last 15 years she has been a contributing author to a number of nutritional and cookery publications including BBC Good Food.

All health content on bbcgoodfood.com is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider. See our website terms and conditions for more information.

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