Fallout fan film creator finally gets to work with Bethesda after 13 years, as Fallout 76 devs accidentally nab his artwork for the MMO’s July 4 celebrations

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A long-time Fallout superfan has finally been given his chance to work with Bethesda, after the Fallout 76 studio accidentally used a piece of his artwork in game without getting permission.

Zack Finfrock is the director (and main character) of Fallout: Nuka Break, a popular fan film about a Vault Dweller wandering the wasteland in search of a refreshing cola. The first film was released 13 years ago, and even after all that time, Finfrock’s still creating, with crowdfunding underway for a follow-up, Fallout: Breaking, that he says is just a little bit inspired by the success of the Fallout TV show.

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